Behind the curtain -
condensation on the glass,
brilliant blue sky
This morning I stopped to watch bees visiting the scabious and lavender flowers in the garden. There was a beautiful spider's web suspended between a lavender plant and the acer. It's builder was waiting patiently at it's centre. As I looked at the web a bee flew into it. My heart jumped into my mouth. Instantly the thought arose to rescue it followed immediately by the command 'Don't!'. I watched as the spider sprang forward and ran to it's victim. Immediately it sensed danger and returned to the centre of it's web as swiftly as it had charged out.
Not much effort was required on the part of the bee to free itself. It's movements and weight combined were too much for the fine threads which broke. The bee tumbled down, laddering the web on it's decent until it fell free and flew away.
Exquisite death trap!
Ensnared bee, nimble spider
who'll be the victim?
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